12 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V
$250 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Adds significant capabilities to the DFAM sequencer

The D-Thing+ Euro is a 12HP module, that includes nearly all the features from the standalone device, as while still providing V/Oct CV support, and also including a dedicated Clock output for synchronising with other gear, and a Cycle output that fires at the start of each pattern cycle.

New Features in Firmware 1.5
Swing and Microtiming
Swing timing can be selected using the Control encoder, and is simply toggled on and off. When on, every second step is delayed by 1/3 of a beat.

Microtiming has its own submenu for programming and control. When Microtiming is selected, you can use the submenu to:

Set: Keep a numbered button pressed and rotate the encoder to set the micro-timing shift for the corresponding step in units of 1/180th of a beat. The maximum deviation is 1/3 late (a positive value) or early (a negative value). Click the encoder while the button is held to return the deviation to zero.

Clear: Return all steps to 0 deviation.

Save: Save the current deviations.

Restore: Restore the last saved deviations.

Return: Leave the submenu (all settings will remain active).

Here is a demo of these features using the Behringer Edge.

Multistep also has its own submenu for programming and control. When Multistep is selected, you can use the submenu to:

Set: Keep a numbered button pressed and rotate the encoder to set the play count for the corresponding step (from 1 to 8). Click the encoder while the button is held to return the count to 1.
The other options behave in the same way as for Microtiming.

Here is a demo of these features using the Behringer Edge.

Microtiming and Multistepping with the D-Thing+ Euro
The 8HP Eurorack version does not support these extra functions, but the 12HP D-Thing+ does. However, the interface for Microtiming and Multistepping is different due to the lack of the 8 individual step buttons. Instead there is a single LED switch for each.

When the switch is unlit, the microtiming or multistepping is not applied.
When the switch is lit, the microtiming or multistepping is applied.
When the switch is held, it will begin to flash and the display will show the relevant values for each step. Turning the Step encoder will highlight the step values in turn, and turning the control encoder will update the value. A subsequent click of the switch will end this edit mode.
A long press on the switch when editing will set all steps to their default values.
Clicking the control encoder while editing will return the selected value to its default (0 for microtiming and 1 for multistepping).
Programmed values are retained across restarts.
Editing can be carried out either when the setting is active or inactive. If it is active, any changes are immediately applied.


submitted Thursday July 25, 08:57 by JamCones | last Change Thursday July 25, 08:57 by JamCones
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