2 HP
69 mm deep
Current Draw
9 mA +12V
9 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$122 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

WaveFolder with DC offset controls and offset CV

NOTE: This module is rather deep at 69mm to the tip of the power pins, or 73mm to the back end of the included cable's connector. Make sure to check if it fits in your case.

WF is Avalon Harmonics' first module ever.

The module offers simple 2-stage wave folding in a compact format, which allows it to easily be mounted next to an existing VCO to augment it. The volume of the input can be attenuated and an additional offset CV can be fed and attenuated which can either be used as a way of modulating the DC offset or as an additional waveform mixed with the input signal. A static DC offset can also be added using the third knob.

CALIBRATION: The module can be calibrated either using an oscilloscope, by ear, or simply to personal taste. The module has two trimmers on the PCB which allows for adjustment to the offset of the two wave folding stages. Adjusting them will move the wave folding up or down within the waveform, which helps compensate for a possible asymmetric power supply of the rack. The adjustment may also be used to set an intentional irregular shape for creative reasons. To calibrate the offset potentiometer on the front, take the knob off, adjust the pot so the waveform is roughly centered, and put the knob back on so it is centered.

- Slim 2 HP design
- Signal input with a volume knob
- Offset CV with an attenuation knob
- Static DC offset knob
- Wrong polarity protection
- Power: +12V: 9mA, -12V: 9mA


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submitted Aug 7th 2022, 14:43 by Thorinair | last Change Jun 30th, 13:22 by Thorinair

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