84 HP
250 mm deep
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

Module is available as a DIY project only.

No info about availability.

ADT Big Blue Mixer VCA Box (BOTTOM 3U)

Unlisted Mixer

Cstom Mixer / VCA Control Module

16 stereo input modules and master module
19" x 4U, depth - without knobs on the faceplate and mating connectors, 245 mm = 9.65"

Channel Inputs:

  • stereo, unbalanced, on 3.5 mm jacks on the faceplate
  • Input impedance > 100 kohms
  • max. input level > + 24 dBu = 34 Vss

Channel Direct Outputs:

  • stereo, electronically balanced, on 25-pin d-subs on the rear panel of the VCA-box
  • post fader - pre CUT
  • source impedance < 50 ohms
  • min. load resistance >1200 ohms for full headroom
  • max. output level + 30 dBu

Input Module
Input Mode:

  • 4-position stepper switch for
  • standard stereo (ST),
  • mono (M) - left and right input are mixed and the mono signal feeds the internal stereo channels in parallel
  • left only (L) - only the left input signal feeds both internal stereo channels in parallel
  • right only (R) - only the right input signal feeds both internal stereo channels in parallel

Input Gain:

  • +/- 20 dB range, calibrated center detent at 0 dB
  • range internally adjustable up to ~ 34 dB
  • independent adjustment for gain and attenuation


  • stereo pan-pot with center click and 0 dB center attenuation
  • The output of the pan-pot feeds the stereo mix bus

3-color peak present leds

  • separate for left and right, indicates the level post input gain
  • 20 dB - green, 0 dB - yellow,
  • red indicates that the remaining headroom is 4 dB or less


  • Stereo aux-send, default post fader, pre cut, pre pan-pot switched to pre fader by central switch in the master module

CV input:

  • unbalanced, on 3.5 mm jack on the faceplate
  • input impedance > 200 kohms
  • input voltage range from DC to 20 kHz, +/- 20 volts negative input voltages are clamped below - 5 volts
  • Mode switch with 3-position stepper switch LIN / OFF / LOG:
  • default law with ATT/GAIN pot and OFF(set) pot in center position (subject to be modified after testing the sample module):
    • CV / lin gain (as factor) / log gain (in dB)
    • below -5v / off / off
    • -5v / off / off
    • -4v / 0.2 / -80 dB
    • -3v / 0.4 / -60 dB
    • -2v / 0.6 / -40 dB
    • -1v / 0.8 / -20 dB
    • 0v / 1.0 / 0 dB -> No change, equal to CV input OFF or ATT pot all to the left
    • +1v / 1.2 / +4 dB
    • +2v / 1.4 / +8 dB
    • +3v / 1.6 / +12 dB
    • +4v / 1.8 / +16 dB
    • +5v / 2.0 / +20 dB
    • +6v / 2.2 / +24 dB
    • +7v / 2.4 / +28 dB
    • +8v / 2.6 / +32 dB
    • +9v / 2.8 / +36 dB
    • +10v / 3.0 / +40 dB
  • Attenuation / Gain pot with calibrated center click at 0 dB / input voltage not changes, control range from 'OFF' to gain of 2 (gain range internally adjusted by trimpots from 'attenuation only' to 'gain > 3')
  • Offset pot with calibrated center click at 0 offset, default range +/- 5 volts, internally adjusted by trimpot (range can be extended up to +/- 10 volts or reduced), the offset is added to the cv input post attenuation/gain pot

Master Module
Stereo master:

  • Stereo master chain with bus amp
  • balanced insert send and return post bus amp, pre VCA, outputs on xlr male, inputs on xlr female, located on the rear panel of the vcabox
  • Insert switch
  • AFL to Master switch
  • stereo vca master fader and electronically balanced stereo master outputs on xlr male located on the rear panel of the vcabox
  • overall gain from channel input to insert output and master output with master fader at 0 dB, input gain and channel fader at 0 dB and pan-pot at center: 6 dB

Aux Master:

  • Stereo aux master with rotary master fader, Aux-Cut switch and central PRE switch
  • max. gain, referred to channel input with channel fader and input gain at 0 dB, Aux faders in the channel and aux master all to the right: 6 dB
  • electronically balanced stereo aux master outputs on xlr male located on the rear panel of the vcabox


  • Stereo AFL master with calibrated direct outputs on XLR male located on the rear panel of the vcabox
  • if AFL TO MST is pressed, the AFL master is switched to the input of the master fader post master insert, if one or more AFL switches are pressed.
  • all Outputs are electronically balanced,
    output source resistance < 50 ohms
    min. load resistance for max. headroom, > 1200 ohms
    max. output level, + 30 dBu


  • stereo LED-Meter with 15 leds per channel, range +15 to -30 dB with 2.5 dB steps, reads stereo master output

Overall specs

  • Frequency response: 10 Hz to 50 kHz +/- 0.25 dB ; 100 kHz < - 1 dB
  • Phase response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz + 10 / - 30 ∞
  • Power bandwidth @ + 30 dBu output level 20 Hz to 50 kHz
  • Dynamic range, referred to +30 dBu: Channel input to channel output, input gain & fader at 0 dB, at least 120 dB; Master or Aux outputs, all faders down, master at 0 dB, at least 114 dB; all channels faders and input gain pots @ 0 dB, all inputs shorted, at least 110 dB
  • Power supply: external power supply unit 19" x 3U x 9.5"
    115 volts / 60 Hz, 500 watts max; Euro power inlet
    connected to the vca-box by 20 ft. cable.

submitted Oct 24th 2015, 17:00 by loopook | last Change Oct 25th 2015, 03:59 by loopook
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