VC Sequencer

RYO Offer Details


8-step bipolar CV sequencer with voltage controlled stage addressing

  • 22 mA +12V
  • 11 mA -12V
  • 45 mm Depth
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VC Sequencer by RYO is an 8-step CV sequencer for the Eurorack modular format. it couldn't be easier to use - simply use each knob to dial in a voltage within the +/-5V range, patch in a clock and out comes your selected voltages in sequence. send a trigger to the reset input to return the sequence to the first step. what sets this sequencer apart from other basic sequencers is its input mode switch - in FWD or REV mode it advances one step forward or backward respectively each time it receives a trigger at the clock input, but in VC mode the clock input becomes a CV input, allowing you to scan through the steps of the sequence with a 0-5V CV source. scan back and forth through the sequence using a triangle waveform or hop randomly through the sequence with a sample and hold source. you can even scan at up to audio rates, enabling VC Sequencer to act as a complex waveshaper - convert a 0-5V saw wave to something much more jagged, complex and interesting!10hp // 45mm deep // 22mA +12V, 11mA - 12V


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