ER-301: Sound Computer

Orthogonal Devices Offer Details


The ER-301 is a voltage-controllable canvas for digital signal processing algorithms.

  • 300 mA +12V
  • 20 mA -12V
  • 25 mm Depth
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The utter genius of this module! It has achieved cult like status in its community. You can make pretty much anything you want. Mint in beautiful wooden box, ships in the same box i received it in from Japan. It is loaded up with all of the best and most useful user units, many of my own drum samples and patches.The ER-301 is a voltage-controllable canvas for digital signal processing algorithms. One of the many characteristics that attracted me to modular synthesizers is that they enabled me to make the kind of music that I love away from the computer. However, not all digital audio tools can be elegantly and efficiently realized in a dedicated hardware form. So, I either had to deny myself those tools, or, go to the computer.HighlightsLive virtual patch creation without stopping the audio.A core library of patchable units covering various functions from the simple (mixing, VCA, envelope generation, limiting, filtering, etc.) to the complex (loopers, granular synthesis, variable-rate sample playback, wavetable oscillator, etc.)512MB of RAM, with about 480MB available for memory-resident samples. All memory-resident samples are converted to 32-bit (float) but keep their original sample rate.Loads samples of any sample rate and bit depth (as long as they are WAV files).Records up to 12 tracks of audio/CV to the SD card in the background.Package Manager for easy sharing of patches, presets, custom units, and third party libraries.There is a growing collection of user-developed units.The firmware and SDK are open-sourced on GitHub. Users can develop their own units using the mid-level (Lua) SDK for maximum patching flexibility, or, using the low-level (C++) SDK for additional performance and custom graphics.SpecificationsWidth: 30hpDepth: 35mm from the back of the faceplate including the ribbon cableCurrent Consumption: (+12V/-12V/+5V) 250mA/30mA/0mA2 monochrome OLED displays where the smaller display shows additional context for the focused element in the main display.The main knob is a high-quality optical encoder rated to over 1 million rotations.4x audio (AC-coupled) outputs configurable to 48kHz or 96kHz at 24-bit.4x audio (DC-coupled) inputs sampled up to 60kHz at 16-bit depth.12x CV (DC-coupled) inputs sampled up to 60kHz at 16-bit depth.4x gate (DC-coupled) inputs sampled up to 96kHz at 12-bit depth.

Orthogonal Devices ER-301 Sound Computer

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