Telewizor FR4

Razmasynth Offer Details


Display Module and Video Generator

  • 191 mA +12V
  • 191 mA -12V
16 HP UtilityVideo
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Telewizor by Razmasynth is a full color preview monitor and black-and-white pattern generator for the Eurorack modular format. sporting a pair of composite jacks, Telewizor is capable of displaying its own internally-generated patterns or any standard composite signal. the monitor is auto-switching for plug-and-play display of external video sources - perfect for use with camcorders, VCRs, retro video game consoles and more! when it comes to the internal patterns, Telewizor is decidedly lo-fi, drawing inspiration from classic 8- and 16-bit games, vector graphics, geometric patterns, barcode-like structures, test patterns and more. all patterns are responsive to both CV and gate signals via the dual 3.5mm inputs and Telewizor even features a simple oscilloscope mode with a +/-5V range and various display window durations for monitoring your CV sources! in addition, because Telewizor runs on an Arduino it's quite hackable and a few extra connections are even accessible via pads on the PCB, making Telewizor ripe for reprogramming, circuit bending or other forms of electronic manipulation.16hp // ~40mm deep // 191 mA+/-12V

Razmasynth Telewizor FR4

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