Gamechanger Audio Offer Details


High-voltage discharge synthesizer voice

  • 220 mA +12V
  • 35 mA -12V
  • 35 mm Depth
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Gamechanger Audio - Plasma Voice - mint condition!A fully-fledged Eurorack voice that really sounds like electricity! The Plasma Voice from Gamechanger Audio generates sounds through voltage discharges.Electrical voltage discharges between two electrodes create these beautiful blue beams and also these beautiful harsh sounds rich in overtones.The electrodes are powered by samples that you can change using various parameters. You get a whole bunch of samples that cover everything from basses and drums to plucks and sparks. You can then change the pitch, attack and decay time of these samples, set them in motion with various modulators and finally refine them with the filter.All samples have different envelopes and different modulators, which the people behind Gamechanger Audio have carefully considered.There is also an internal overdrive, an equaliser with bass and treble, as well as some nice additions such as accents, MIDI, attenuators for (almost) all parameters, compressor-style ducking and much more!A unique module that covers a lot in terms of sound!Features:Full voiceSamples run through a vacuum tube to give them their sonic characterAmplitude envelopeModulations (Mod, Harm and Flux)Multimode filter with its own envelope49 samplesoverdriveEqualiser

Gamechanger Audio Plasma Voice

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