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A lil’ rack, works great!dual 1 to 3 active buffered outputs with true bipolar attenuverters.what that means is when the knob is set to the middle (detented for ease of use) there is 0 voltage/signal being passed to the output. i've found a lot of bipolar attenuverting circuits that rely on phase cancellation to have bleed when set to what should be 0 due to not having enough of a null range in the middle. the cvp-1 does not have that problem!when the input is not being used it has an internal 5v source normalled to it. which means you can send up to +/-5v to 3 different places at once! it also provides offset voltages for the mix section (see blow)the cvp-1 contains two of these "aux send" circuits and in the middle lies a mix section. the inputs to the mix section are taken from channel 3 outputs on each side of the cvp-1. there is a sum output and an or output. these are kind of a summation of the submix concept and the short bus concept wrapped into one module. it will allow for a large range of functions!the cvp-1 is dc coupled and works very well for audio signals much like an "aux send" module to send signals to various places through out your system.

Low-Gain Electronics CVP-1

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