Rung Divisions

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Polyrhythmic Clock Divider / Chaotic Stepped Signal Generator

  • 58 mA +12V
  • 42 mA -12V
  • 35 mm Depth
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Like New - (tested and stored)Polyrhythmic Clock Divider / Chaotic Stepped Signal GeneratorRung Divisions combines a universal shift register, a “divide by n” pulse divider, analogue noise, and several logic and binary operations. These functions synthesise an array of predictable and unpredictable digital signals at arbitrary time scale.Rung Divisions’ primary use is as a complex polyrhythmic gate generator that drives a chaotic / pseudo random / looping stepped cv pattern generator, with voltage control over the pattern “direction”, length, and chance of the pattern looping. The combination of these features can be used to generate auditory illusions similar to a stroboscopic effect – like the visual aliasing of a wheel that appears to stand still and reverse direction at speed. Rung Divisions is built with solid state & discrete logic blocks to work at frequencies between 0–40kHz. The module is designed to drive multiple voices with gate patterns and CV, or to generate audio rate mayhem - these functions can be combined through patching with other modules that can take input signals over a wide frequency range.g Divisions behaves in many surprising ways with feedback and self patching - the module has propagation delay compensation to allow for all outputs to be used in feedback loops. Feedback to the clock and data signal sources creates a kind of chaotic system, similar in structure to Rob Hordijk's legendary Rungler circuit.

Fancyyyyy Rung Divisions

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