mimosa mk2

Bizarre Jezabel Offer Details


tube dual/stereo saturator

  • 40 mA +12V
  • 400 mA -12V
  • 44 mm Depth
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New in box and unused. This is an amazing stereo tube saturating eurorack module. Is made to emulate a tube amp and the saturation/drive. I believe this company does an amazing job! The controls are too sweep the frequency, spectrum and choose a general band to focus on, as well as input gain controls. Also the pattern in front has little circles that illuminate in different patterns depending on the setting, which looks great. Tubes are tucked behind faceplate. I would write brand new, but it requires seller to indicate inventory. I have modules for sale on multiple platforms, so I do not like to indicate my inventory on all of them in case they sell out and someone has a module promised that I cannot deliver.

Bizarre Jezabel Mimosa Mk2

This offer was fetched from reverb.com. You cannot contact the seller via ModularGrid. You have to visit their site.

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