Six Eyes

Crazy Chicken Offer Details


32-step sequencer based on interesting algorithm

  • 25 mA +12V
  • 10 mA -12V
  • 35 mm Depth
8 HP Sequencer
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6months old, fun moduleSix Eyes - 32-step sequencer based on interesting algorithm. Melodies or modulations are created with 6 knobs. 32-step and only 6 knobs. So how does it work?The upper knob sets the initial value of CV and acts as a offset generator. Next to this knob is an eye that never sleeps.The second knob sets his own offset which is summed with the initial value when its eye is awake. This eye alternately asleep during one step and during one step awake. So the full period for this eye corresponds to 2 steps.The third knob also sets its value when its eye is awake. But this time he alternately sleeps for 2 steps and wakes up for 2 steps. The full period for this eye corresponds to 4 steps.And so on for another knobs:The 4th knob operates with a period of 8 steps.The 5th knob operates with a period of 16 steps.And the 6th knob operates with a period of 32 steps.Finally all offset values are summed up and create an interesting sequence that depends on the position of the knobs and whether the eyes are asleep or awake.All knobs are bipolar and can set negative or positive offsets. Zero value corresponds to the "12 o'clock" position.CLOCK - simple clock/click/triger input. CLOCK can accept regular or occasional triggers. The Six Eyes sequencer is always waiting for a signal to go to the next step.RESET (or in the context of the Six Eyes sequencer it can be said "sleep") input:- send short trigger to reset the sequencer (jumps to the initial step);- or send long gate signal to hold the sequencer on the initial step;- the same thing can be done manually via the button: short press to reset the sequencer or long press to hold the sequencer on the initial step.OUT - the sequencer output. CV output range from -6V to +6V (12 octaves in total). Output CV values are not quantized same as in all analog sequencers. You can use unquantized values for "true" modular sound or you can add a quantizer after Six Eyes to keep your melody or modulation in a scale you want.

Crazy Chicken Six Eyes

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