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mangrove holds the essence of an instrument in the form of an oscillator. sounds are defined not only by pitch but by spectra. as the earth shakes under foot, a whistle blows on the wind.formant represents the timbral structure of the instrument, defined independent of its pitch. waves shift across the range, bringing to life a series of undertones. there is quicksand between these divisions - tiny moments of uncertainty - where multiphonics reside. these underbranches fold melodies onto themselves far down into microtones.frequency modulation feels altogether different, with a pair making the most corporeal of complex oscillators. with integral fm indexing, a cross-modulated duo will unleash a snarling bunyip. with synchronicity they will sing the same tongue through their own voice. self-patched tones open another box of uncertainty. divided formants to control frequency; shapeless squares modulating air pressure.

Mannequins Mangrove

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