Pittsburgh Modular Offer Details


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This Portable Modular Synth Rig is in perfect condition and is frickin' awesome!It contains 32 modules in a combination of standard Eurorack Modules and Tiles. It cost me well over $3K to cobble it together a few years ago, mostly for teaching but also for some travel, and I'm not doing much of either anymore so I'm selling it. I'd probably not recommend this rig for a beginner, it's more for a knowledgeable intermediate/advanced synthesist.Summary: 2 VCOs, 1 Wave Shaper, 1 Half Wave Rectifier, 4 VCFs, 3EGs, 3 LFOs, 3 VCAs, 5 Buffered Multis, 1 Passive Multi, Foot Controller Interface, Phase Shifter, Ring Modulator, Delay/Chorus, L/R Panner, 2 Attenuators, 2 Offset Attenuators, 1 Inverter, 3 Summing Mixers, AND Gate, XOR Gate, 1/4" Output Module (stereo or mono).All contained in two 11"x7"x4.5" travel cases!I'm including 24 somewhat random patch cables shown in the photos, and 2 AC to DC power supplies which aren't shown in the photos.All of the components exported from Excel with the selling prices I estimated:Pulp Logic Lunch Box case $180.00, Pulp Logic Lunch Box case $180.00, 2HP VCO $100.00, CFM Bipolar 1/2 wave rectifier $50.00, Dave Smith Curtis filter DSM01 $165.00, Doepfer 1 121-3 VCF 12 dB multimode filter $109.00, Doepfer A 124 VCF 5 wasp filter $85.00, Doepfer A 132- 3 DVCA $95.00, Doepfer A 136 DIS waveshaper $60.00, Doepfer A 177-2 Foot Control Interface $45.00, EMW Phase 45 $65.00, EMW Ring Modulator $65.00, EMW VC Pan $80.00, Ladik C-040 dual envelope $60.00, Pittsburgh Modular LFO 2 $70.00, Pittsburgh Modular Synthesizer Box $260.00, Pulp Logic Tile AND $15.00, Pulp Logic Tile Att/Offset $25.00, Pulp Logic Tile Att/Offset $25.00, Pulp Logic Tile Atten-B $15.00, Pulp Logic Tile Atten-B $20.00, Pulp Logic Tile B-multi $20.00, Pulp Logic Tile B-multi $20.00, Pulp Logic Tile B-multi $20.00, Pulp Logic Tile B-multi $20.00, Pulp Logic Tile B-multi $20.00, Pulp Logic Tile Invert $20.00, Pulp Logic Tile Output - 2 tiles $50.00, Pulp Logic Tile SUM $15.00, Pulp Logic Tile SUM $15.00, Pulp Logic Tile SUM $15.00, Pulp Logic Tile XOR $15.00, switchable multi $45.00, WMD DPLR CV delay $145.00, Total Of Individual Used Components Selling Prices = $2,189.00

Pittsburgh Modular Synth Box

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