Model 52 Vampire

Subconscious Communications Offer Details



  • 130 mA +12V
  • 100 mA -12V
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Order includes module, power ribbon and screws.Not yet another LFO/VCO pair, the Subconscious Communications Model 52 Vampire is a dense timbral pitch source that will re-animate even the most cadaverous patch.Similar to a complex oscillator, VCO1 is pre-routed through panel switching and jack 'normalling' to synchronize and frequency modulate VCO2's linear or exponential inputs.Like a dual oscillator, two full range oscillators provide a fat audio output with six possible waveforms each individually and externally available for synchronization and external modulation.Then things start to get out of hand ...The usual voltage controlled morph effect is re-imagined to cross-fade VCO2's pwm waveform to the output of a voltage controlled wave-scanner providing dynamism that is truly 'un-dead'.VCO1 provides either a ramp or triangle waveform to window (envelope) either VCO2's sin2 waveform or jacked in external audio to range from near articulation to buzzy, chopped, alias-like revenant audio.Based upon triangle cores, vampire oscillators provides clean sawtooth waveforms and a hard-sync of consistent direction for enveloping waveforms. a panel switch allow frequency coupling/un-coupling from 1V/octave input.Format: EurorackWidth: 21 HPCurrent: 130 mA +12V

Subconscious Communications Model 52 Vampire

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