
Dannysound Offer Details


Thru-Zero Oscillator


  • 59 mA +12V
  • 54 mA -12V
  • 20 mm Depth
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Ej DIY. Inga byten, kan skickas! The Dannysound EN129 is a powerful oscillator, with linear Thru-Zero FM, soft sync and more. The EN129 is a frequency modulation specialist and offers two different ways to operate FM. The linear Thru-Zero FM input allows for special timbres because unlike normal FM the incoming waveform is not cut off at 0Hz but causes the waveform to be inverted and you go backwards to the value that would otherwise be cut off. This is not possible with normal oscillators. Furthermore, there is also logarithmic FM, which again brings other sonic characteristics with it. Both FM inputs have an attenuator and an LED to visualize incoming voltages. EN129 has five waveforms that can be tapped simultaneously, one of which is the PWM output. The pulse width is of course controllable via the PW pot (with CV input) where the PW parameter also serves as a waveshaper for the sawtooth wave. Lastly, the EN129 can also switch to an LFO mode (which can be activated via the LFO button), as well as be controlled in phase via soft sync. Features: Soft Sync Input Thru Zero linear FM Logarithmic FM Zero to zero pulse width modulation Sawtooth wave shape modulation Simultaneous outputs for Sine, Triangle, Saw, Pulse & Square Coarse & Fine controls with LFO mode Includes power supply isolation on frequency controls

Dannysound EN129

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