Cali Oscillator

Dannysound Offer Details


Wave Shaping Oscillator With Touch Sensitive Switch

  • 38 mA +12V
  • 34 mA -12V
  • 20 mm Depth
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Dannysound's Cali Oscillator is a recreation of Buchla's classic Washaping VCO 258. Frequency modulation was one of the unique selling points of the Buchla systems developed in California. The state inspired the name and the device, the 258, inspired the idea. The Cali has the classic sine to square and sine to sawtooth waveforms but adds an additional pulse output that can be modulated in pulse width. All waveforms can be changed in shape by CV, allowing for exciting sounds - reminiscent of the classic Buchla sound. Like the 258, the Cali has a switch to select the waveform, but instead of the two-way switch, here it's three ways. The middle position outputs a pulse wave, which fades into a sort of triangular trapezoidal shape. This waveform is somewhat unpredictable in its behavior and the switch responds at low settings of the waveshape, to body contact...great for glitch effects and sound exploration. There is an input each for linear and exponential FM, as well as an LFO mode. Features: Sine to Saw/Square Waveform Output with CV over wave shaping Pulse output with voltage-controlled PWM Linear FM with attenuator Logarithmic FM with attenuator Bonus ‘trapezoid’ output Coarse & Fine controls with LFO mode Includes power supply isolation on frequency controls

Dannysound Cali

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