
Befaco Offer Details


VC Quad Decay & Four Channel Mixer

  • 80 mA +12V
  • 60 mA -12V
  • 25 mm Depth
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Part of the spring purgePercall from Befaco is a four-channel VCA and envelope, perfect for creating percussive sounds. Each channel features an audio input and audio level control for fine tuning the mix.Fire off the decay-only envelopes using the trigger inputs at the top of the module. The decay time can be adjusted with the sliders as well as external CV signals. The envelopes have individual outputs, great for patching back into audio sources to create pitch envelopes. This is a fantastic method of creating punchy kick drums from sine wave oscillators. An optional choke mode can be turned on which causes channels one and three to choke channels two and four, perfect for open/closed hi-hats. The four channels have individual outputs, but are also available mixed together.Percall is a great way to add percussive elements to any patch, and also works great as a general-purpose VCA / mixer.PERCALL FEATURESFour-channel percussive VCA and envelopeLevel control per channelDecay-only envelopes with trigger inputs and CV over timeIndividual envelope outputsIndividual VCA outputsChoke mode for open/closed hi-hats

Befaco Percall

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