This Module is discontinued.
Dual Intermodulating VCO
Replaced by Paradox V2
Dual intermodulating VCO. Oscillator A’s triangle output is internally routed to frequency modulate oscillator B. And oscillator B’s triangle output is sent back to oscillator A’s core to perform a syncing function. A unique feedback chain is created. A manipulates B, and B manipulates A. Changing either, changes both.
Additionally, oscillator A’s triangle output is fed back into its own core (self mod). This changes the waveshape and harmonic content of the outputs. There is a ridiculous amount of harmonic variation to be found. And it’s relatively easy to get weird results fast.
The various FM and intermodulation features are all optional. The module easily performs as two standalone VCOs. Each oscillator can be controlled separately with dedicated volt per octave inputs. And/or simultaneously with the 1V linked input. The mix output is maximally dense. It’s an equal summation of the sawtooth (odd harmonics) and square (even harmonics) outputs. The exFM input is a linear external FM input.
The volt per octave tracking and temperature stability is musically adequate for most situations. It will track great for the first 5 or 6 octaves from around 20 – 2,000Hz. After that, depending on the musical context, you may find it tracks gradually flatter as the frequency increases. Tracking is ‘factory calibrated’, but if needed, additional volt per octave adjustment can be done via the front panel with a small jewelers screwdriver.
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