16 HP
26 mm deep
Current Draw
45 mA +12V
52 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$344 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer


Formant Filter

FORMANTIC is a voltage controlled analog formant filter that combines two resonant 12dB bandpass filters (BP) with one resonant 24dB lowpass filter (LP). Each filter has its own set of controls for resonance and cutoff frequency and can all be driven into self-oscillation. The Path switch lets you process the audio signal in series or parallel.

There are two inputs. While IN A routes the signal through all filters, IN B only goes through the LP filter. The output signal is split into one Main Out (BP + LP) and one BP Out which in turn opens up for further processing like quasi-stereo effects etc. A unique feature of the Formantic filter is the joystick which enables intuitive interaction of both BP filters, while the large Master Cutoff knob lets you sweep all filters simultaneously.

CV inputs are normalled to each other which simply means you can control the cutoff for all filters via a single input or each filter individually. Each input has its own attenuverter and one additional attenuator for the LP filter.

  • Based on AS3350 and AS3320 filter chips
  • Two audio inputs and two outputs
  • Four CV inputs, 3 normalled to each other
  • Joystick control for both bandpass filters
  • Separate control knob for the lowpass filter
  • One Master Cutoff knob to control all filters
  • Signal path switch
  • Self-oscillating filters which can produce perfect sine waves (tuneable)
  • Compact design and low profile, skiff friendly

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submitted Jul 24th 2022, 20:29 by NoiseLab | last Change Oct 18th 2022, 20:02 by NoiseLab

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