14 HP
40 mm deep
Current Draw
100 mA +12V
100 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$210 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Stereo Liquid Filter

ST·FONT is a stereo liquid filter that takes the beloved core of our FONT module and expands it into a powerful stereo filtering tool.

Key points

Dual-core Stereo Filtering. Independent filter cores for left and right channels with Low Pass, Band Pass, and High Pass modes, plus seamless crossfading between filter outputs.

Integrated Stereo VCA. Built-in stereo VCA with soft clipping, adding warmth and harmonic richness to your sound. From clean amplification to heavy saturation, enhancing tone before it reaches the filter stage.

Stereo Span Controls. Dedicated FREQ Span, RES Span, and MODE Span knobs allow you to create a wide, immersive stereo field by adjusting the spread of Frequency, Resonance and Mode across both channels.

Dynamic Resonance Modes. MILD keeps the resonance smooth and musical, ideal for classic filtering effects, while WILD pushes the resonance to its limits, delivering intense, aggressive sounds with heavy distortion that brings an extra edge to your signal.

How does it work? Review by Divkid


Dimensions 14HP – 70×128,5mm
Depth 40mm Including connectors – Skiff friendly

NANO Modules - 2024

Available now through our distributors and our website!


Ø 5.00 (5 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Nov 27th 2024, 07:37 by NANO-Modules | last Change Nov 28th 2024, 23:31 by NANO-Modules

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