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Analog Karplus Strong voice module
The Morphor Plectrum - Analogue BBD Pluck is the successor of our successful AP-1 module. Now only 8 HP instead of 10 HP with additional CV-able feedback!
Plectrum is a high quality, fully analogue Eurorack module that can produce plucked string-like sounds. It is a compact all-in-one solution for generating amazing bass, acoustic guitar, percussion and other great sounds.
The module is based on the Karplus-Strong principle with a true analog audio path built with an authentic bucket brigade delay (BBD) circuit which is recognizable by its specific timbre. By using carefully chosen high quality components, this module has a rich, warm analogue sound.
Now being only 8 HP in width, you won't need a lot of space to get going and start creating some incredible sounds. If you're looking to fully sculpt the string-like sound, you can extend the internal Karplus-Strong loop by breaking out the signal and adding external modules like filters and/or FX modules to it.
Frequency range: sub audio range to roughly 800 Hz
Dimensions: 8HP width, 3U Eurorack standard
16-pin power socket
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
USA | In original condition, comes with original box ![Morphor Plectrum](http... | $175.00 |
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