This Module is discontinued.
grid-enabled live probabilistic step sequencer
White Whale is the culmination of methods and experiments based on a decade of step sequencer design for the grid.
A monome grid is plugged into the front panel of the module, becoming a complete interface. The sequencer continues running when the grid is disconnected, facilitating both live performance and precomposed playback of generative systems.
A 16-step loop is the foundation, where each column of the grid represents a step. Four triggers and two separate CV values are available per step. CV values range 0-10V which can be dialed in via the param knob, copied from other steps, and tuned up and down via the grid. A map mode is provided for creating quantized scales, with an array of preset scales available for recall.
Sixteen patterns (each containing 16 steps) are directly accessible, with instant pattern duplication. For longer sequences, these patterns can be strung together in any order, including chance possibilities between pattern selection.
Presets of patterns are storable to internal flash memory for instant recall on power-up.
Timing can be internal (controlled via clock knob) or externally triggered.
WARNING: this module requires high +5v current with a connected grid. If your case's +5v power supply capacity is less than 600mA, monome SWITCH is required.
+5V Power consumption:
* 42mA @ +5V (no grid connected), up to 600mA (with grid)
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
USA | Monome White Whale currently running OrcaAll functioning as it should Co... | $450.00 |
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