32 HP
70 mm deep
Current Draw
122 mA +12V
31 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

Module is available as a DIY project only.

No info about availability.

Clarke68 Panel for CGS Digital noise, Logic, Clock Divider, Gated Comparator, and "Klee" sequencer

This DIY module is based on a panel designed by user Clark68 from Muffwigglers. It combines several CGS PCBs mounted horizontally behind one Panel. It consists of:
CGS13 - Gated Comparator
CGS36 - Pulse Divider and Boolean Logic
CGS31 - Digital noise

Functionally equivalent to the left half of Zthee's Serge SWAMP panel.

The digital noise is a very standard pseudo-random digital noise source with a few enhancements. Instead of running a fixed high frequency clock, a VCO is used instead, allowing for unusual sweeps, and for reducing the speed right down to a series of random pulses. The internal linear VCO can also be bypassed so an external source such as a 1V/Oct. VCO or LFO can be substituted. It has pink and white noise outputs, and two separate (unique) digital outputs for use in triggering other circuits.

The Pulse divider outputs /2,/3,/4,/5,/6,/7, and /8 with a reset button or CV reset.

The logic block consists of two inverters, as well as an AND Gate, and an OR Gate

The Gated Comparator is a bit of a doozy. It is a Comparator mixed with an 8 stage Digital Shift Register. This DSR, when clocked pusheds the current Comparator value down along the register. The contents of the DSR can be help in a loop, or Manually input. Additionally Pots bootstrapped to the stages outputs are mixed into a common out put creating a CV sequence. The so called "Klee" sequencer. Also, Also- the values of the 8 stages get converted from their Binary values at any given time and turend into an Analog CV equivalent. And that same thing but inverted. Read this to be equally confused: http://www.cgs.synth.net/modules/cgs13v2_gated_comparator.html
or read this post: What does my Gated Comparator/Klee do? Funky Drummer?

For more general info about this Panel: http://www.muffwiggler.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=47067

Ø 4.00 (3 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Oct 22nd 2012, 14:56 by lessavyfav | last Change Jan 10th 2018, 22:06 by rockwoofstone

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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?