8 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

Module is available as a DIY project only.

No info about availability.

Open-source ESP32 based sound module with audio plugin architecture

CTAG TBD Eurorack Open Source

What it is:

The eierlegende Wollmilchsau (German for swiss army knife) audio processing module.
Offering already more than 50 high quality audio generators and effects.
Open source Eurorack sound module based on the ESP32.
With an easy to extend audio plugin architecture.
What you make it.

Why it is:

A group of audio enthusiasts enjoying coding and hardware making.
Build a platform to learn, build and practise skills, and engage students.
To allow anyone to understand technology by offering open access.
To squeeze and optimize code so that it can work on a small embedded system.
Because we can.
To fight boredom and despair of Corona Virus!


More than 50 high quality audio generators and effects.
Easy DSP plugin development.
Sample ROM playback and wavetable oscillator with user wavetables from sample ROM.
Simulator for cross platform plugin development without hardware module.
Cloud compiler to build firmwares with plugin subsets, allows to optimize sample-rom size.
With web UI user interface by wireless browser access.
Through a REST-API.

Potential new features / current limitations / work to be done:

More plugins.
FAUST support.
VULT support.
Bug identification and fixing.
Code refactoring to make things more beautiful.
More user friendly interaction.
Documentation / tutorials.
Your ideas?

How to engage yourself:

Join the enthusiastic developer team on Github.
Help build and spread the hardware module (and the word).
More ideas?




submitted Friday February 28, 16:25 by noiseoperator | last Change Friday February 28, 16:27 by noiseoperator
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