Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.
This Module is currently available.
ADSR envelope with CV control and selectable shapes for Attack, Decay, and Release
SE1 is an analog ADSR envelope-generating module in Eurorack format. It generates a standard Attack/Decay/Sustain/Release type envelope with a simple gate signal. Unlike many ADSR modules, SE1 allows the time/voltage function of each stage A/D/R to be selected independently between Logarithmic, Linear, or Exponential, allowing unique envelope shapes.
+ Attack, Decay, and Release shapes are independently selectable (Lin/Log/Expo)
+ Each parameter (A,D,S, & R) of envelope are CV-controlable
+ Unique "Sustain Env In" input to shape incoming sustain signal with VCA
+ Level CV input for main outputs, with standard and inverted outputs
These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?