4 HP
38 mm deep
Current Draw
85 mA +12V
11 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$116 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

6 channel drum sample player - 909+ ("full kit") drum version

The SoundForce S-909+ version has 2 banks of sounds for the bottom 3 jacks, the switch at the back allows you to choose between the 2 banks. Please note you cannot choose the sound of each of the 3 bottom jacks, it’s either the tom sounds or the percussion sounds.

The sounds:
The 6 sounds available on separate channels are the one-shot sounds from the infamous 909 drum machine. It’s using a big STM32F411 chip to drive the 6 DACs and store the sounds. The samples are baked-in and can’t be changed, unless you load another firmware.

6 input jacks to trigger the sounds with +5V signals.
6 output jacks for the audio outputs ~10Vpp.

submitted Sep 3rd 2024, 09:31 by soundforce_nicolas | last Change Sep 3rd 2024, 09:34 by soundforce_nicolas

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