32 HP
24 mm deep
Current Draw
86 mA +12V
84 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$585 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer


LA REINE DU CHAOS is a full analog synthesizer voice made the SOVAGE way!
The main idea navigates around the concept of CHAOS, delivering unpredictable unique tones and rhythmic patterns with constant movement within the module. This is achieved through intensive internal modulation routing, composed of two envelope generators and two LFOs, all equipped with their own outputs. The LFOs can also be turned into oscillators and linked to the main 1V/oct input with a flick of a switch or by their respective FM inputs, transforming LA REINE DU CHAOS into a 3 oscillator cross-FM monster that sounds and feels like an entire gang of modules!

If you are trying to control the chaos, the LFOs can also be synced to the 1V/oct input and reset by a trig or a gate. However, instead of resetting their cycle on the positive or negative, they are recycled after a little fast attack and decayed shape when triggered, perfect for rhythmic composition!

Ironically, despite its chaotic concept, LA REINE DU CHAOS is pretty stable. The main oscillator can track over at least six octaves and can deliver classic tones if needed, even without any standard waveforms. But trust me, you won't! You'll immediately start to turn that big ALTERATION knob and dive into the six analog waveform banks: RIDGE, ODD, and SURGE in FULL or LIMITED mode. Crank up the WAVE CLIPPING, add some modulation here and there… It's inevitable, and you're right because all the fun starts here!

A function that can sometimes seem to do a little often impacts another one and so on. Whether you are randomly turning knobs or flipping switches chaotically, or whether you are trying to control this chaos, you will always design unique sounds!

All by itself, aside from being a synthesizer voice, LA REINE DU CHAOS can be the center of many patches as it is packed with different functions that can be used independently with their own inputs and outputs capabilities.

Embrace the power of the CHAOS!


submitted Jun 11th 2024, 16:48 by SOVAGEENGINEERING | last Change Jun 28th 2024, 16:46 by SOVAGEENGINEERING

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