14 HP
30 mm deep
Current Draw
80 mA +12V
80 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$120 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

CV manipulator

A calvacade of basic operands to let you reshape voltages.

3 channels of attenuversion with +/-10 offset and LED indicators.

3 input Min/Mid/Max logic circuit.

3 channel rectifier stage containing one negative full wave rectifier, one inversion, and one positive full wave rectifier.

3 channel dual input summing, with cascading output normalled connections, enabling two, four, or six inputs summed to three, two, or one output.

Each stage is normalled at the input to the next in the order above, with each channel going down vertically. If nothing is plugged into an input it receives voltage from the channel above it. The middle row in the summing section has no normalled input.

Rudiments accepts CV and audio. It is not AC coupled so you can offset audio from center 0v and apply further waveshaping with the logic or rectifier sections. Or you can do some basic math to spice up CV signals, and with clever multing and patching generate related but varying CV patterns.

The current iteration is not pitch perfect, and causes voltage errors averaging between +/-.02v to +/-.06v at the greatest. This will ideally be addressed in a backwards compatible update so that any Rudiments purchased can receive an upgraded back panel when they become available if perfect pitch tracking is required.

All outputs range +/-10v. The current power header on the unit is 16 pin, but does not yet require 5v power. For DIY kits a 10 pin header can suffice. In the future update, a jumper pin will be added to either provide 10v to the offset knobs from the +12v rail, or 5v to the offset knobs from the +5v rail.


Ø 4.00 (1 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Apr 6th 2024, 04:40 by rezwax | last Change Sep 26th 2024, 01:19 by Hikove
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