10 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
20 mA +12V
20 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$150 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Stereo Wavefolder

This stereo wavefolder allows you to achieve interesting stereo - folding effects even with very basic modulation.

Output 1 is normalised to the input 2- this allows you to use it as a single ten-fold wavefolder!
When channels are used separately the module functions as dual 5-fold wavefolders.

CVs (fold and offset) from the left channel are normalised to the right channel - so you can use single source modulation for both wavefolders.

It can sound quite brutal and distorted-10 folds is not nothing!

Perfect for mad panning, distortion effects and FM madness!
Check out my website for more info.


submitted Apr 4th, 11:43 by ejjj303 | last Change Apr 4th, 11:53 by ejjj303

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