12 HP
35 mm deep
Current Draw
50 mA +12V
30 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$226 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

VCO from the famous British pin matrix synth released in 1969.

The VCZIII voltage controlled oscillator modules are our latest creation and are based on the VCOs of one of the most revered analog instruments, the famous British pin matrix synth released in 1969.
The VCZIII series VCO is a result of the collaboration of Feedback modules and CMS-LAB and is a modern re-creation of those temperamental,
organic and beautiful sounding VCOs from 1969 but with enhancements and adaptations to the Eurorack needs of 21st century.

There are two type of VCOs, VCZIII A based on VCO1 with variable shape SINE & SAW waveforms, VCZIII B based on VCO2 & VCO3 with variable TRIANGLE & PULSE waveforms.
Also, each VCO comes in two versions, one with normal fine tune potentiometers and one with precision multiturn potentiometer.
- VCZIII A base - single turn COARSE & single turn FINE
- VCZIII A premium - single turn COARSE & multiturn FINE
- VCZIII B base - single turn COARSE & single turn FINE
- VCZIII B premium - single turn COARSE & multiturn FINE

We spent a lot of time to make the right choices for this VCO to integrate well with the Eurorack format but at the same time to retain the organic sound and “crazy” behaviour of the original.

Here are some of the improvements and add-ons:
- it is optimised to work at standard 1V/octave (the original has 0.32V/octave)
- two knobs for fine and coarse tunning (original had only one knob)
- we added voltage controlled waveshape modulation (which opens a world of new sound possibilities)
- we added a MIX out where you can have a combination of the two main waveforms
- separate outs for all waveforms and for the mixed wave
- all waveform outs are 10Vpp, consistent with eurorack standards (the original was sine=3V, saw=4V, square=4V, triangle=6V)
- ranges of shaper knob optimised to not go out of the useful range
- better temperature balancing in the exponential converter by using a supermatch transistor pair like AS194/AS394
- variable oscillator SYNC with a potentiometer (which opens a world of new sound possibilities)
- frequency modulation input


Ø 5.00 (1 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Feb 16th, 21:36 by feedbackmodules | last Change Feb 16th, 21:36 by feedbackmodules

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Detroit ModularPerfect Circuit


Moog Audio

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?