4 HP
Current Draw
40 mA +12V
40 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$75 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Single Stereo Mixer/Panner/VCA - Standalone module and an Expander for Bartender

A simple VC panner with CV-controlled level. The left input normals to the right input to give an easy way to add panning to a mono signal.


  • Bartender, Barbacks, DVCA, Cast Iron, Mingles, and USB-2CH can all be connected with Dupont cables (aka female to female breadboard cables) via pin headers on the back of the modules. Connecting the in and out pins will send/receive the audio into the next module.


submitted Dec 4th 2023, 23:05 by robotsarered | last Change Mar 15th, 16:27 by V-t-V

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