8 HP
41 mm deep
Current Draw
27 mA +12V
27 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$180 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Quadrature CV and Audio Processor

Gilbert is a quadrature CV and audio processor. Through creative patching it can achieve a number of things including, but not limited to, wavefolding, frequency multiplication, multi-channel crossfading, and multi-channel signal routing. On paper Gilbert may seem esoteric, however in practice it is incredibly intuitive and easy to use.

By applying a +/- 5V waveform to the input, Gilbert will provide four unipolar sinusoidal waveforms that rise and fall sequentially at the four main outputs. These waveforms overlap with a 90 degree phase difference, which makes them perfect for quadraphonic panning, multi-channel crossfading, and multi-channel routing. Alternatively, these four new control voltages can sequentially modulate four different parameters in your modular system, creating a lot of dynamic and complex movement that all stems from a single CV source. The status of the sine wave at each output is indicated by the brightness of each jack’s neighboring LED.

The four main outputs are internally processed through a bipolar mixer, the output of which is provided at the fold output. By mixing these four new signals together, Gilbert acts as a frequency multiplier. When a triangle wave is applied to the input, a bipolar sine wave is created that has a frequency three times that of the input waveform. When a saw wave is applied to the input, a bipolar sine wave is created that has a frequency one and a half times that of the input waveform. By modulating the amplitude of the input waveform, Gilbert functions as a wavefolder, creating interesting new waveshapes for modulation or adding harmonics to audio signals.

The level control and associated CV input determines the level of all of Gilbert’s outputs simultaneously. The level control is great for adding another layer of complexity to the newly created modulation or acting as a VCA for the newly created audio waveform.

Gilbert is a part of a limited release series. Each module was assembled by hand and thoroughly tested in Brooklyn, New York.


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submitted Oct 26th 2023, 04:17 by shkrjn_instruments

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