Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.
This Module is currently available.
Dual Flip-Flop
4HP eurorack module version of the classic 4013 CMOS IC.
Two independent D-type flip-flops with SET, RESET, CLOCK, and DATA inputs and complementary outputs.
On the rising edge of a signal applied to CLK the binary data present on D is transferred to Q, and the complement appears at not-Q.
Positive signal applied to S forces Q high and not-Q low.
Positive signal applied to R forces Q low and not-Q high.
If S and R are high at the same time Q and not-Q will both be high.
CLK and D have no effect on the outputs while either S or R are high.
not-Q is normalled to the D input of each flip-flop for easy dividing by 2 using just the CLK input (simple sub octave!).
Really basic utility module with many uses from LFO/clock to audio rate.
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