14 HP
Current Draw
21 mA +12V
21 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

The ultimate DIY routing solution, allowing you to effortlessly mix and route audio and control voltage signals.

Simplify your audio mixing and control voltage tasks with our 4x4 Matrix Mixer. This versatile device provides four inputs and four outputs, allowing you to effortlessly route any input signal to any output channel. Whether you're a musician, audio enthusiast, or hobbyist, this compact and user-friendly mixer is the perfect tool to enhance your Eurorack setup.

Mix and blend multiple audio sources effortlessly, create unique soundscapes, or experiment with modular synthesis. The choice is yours.

Designed with convenience in mind, our Matrix Mixer comes as an easy-to-assemble DIY PCB+Front Panel kit. No need to be an electronics expert!


submitted May 29th 2023, 09:03 by ateshk | last Change May 30th 2023, 02:20 by sibilant

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