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Dual Multitype Gate
The Centaur’s Gates is a fully analog signal path dual multi-types gate. Each of its two channels can take many forms : a smooth and warm two poles filter, a ready to ping low-pass gate, a VCA with distorting feedback loop, or an aggressive filter reminiscent of the unfamous Korg MS20. Both versions of the filter are available in three modes (low-pass, band-pass and high-pass), bringing to eight the number of types a channel can take the form of.
The extended sonic palette the Centaur’s Gates delivers is not its only asset as the module includes handy features such as serial/parallel routing, vactrol analog emulation, control link, variable input gain with drive, Select Bus compatibility, and last but not least, clickless switching for channels type selection via cv.
• Dual channel multi mode filter, low-pass gate or VCA
• Smooth & warm or agressive & overdriven VCF characters
• VCA with parallel distortion and feedback loop
• LPG with 1 pole or 2 poles response
• Serial and parallel routing configurations
• Opto feature simulating vactrol behavior
• Channel linking
• Clickless type switching
• Select bus compatibility with 16 presets
• Djtechtools rubber injected knobs
• Skiff friendly
• 8 hp wide
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
USA | Dual Multitype Gate $419 + Mörk Modules Black panel for Shakmat Centaur'... | $419.00 |
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