6 HP
24 mm deep
Current Draw
90 mA +12V
15 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$281 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Dual Channel Movement Recorder

"We all encountered music accidentally, we can’t remember when, but at some point, we all made music. It’s something primitive that flows out of our body by knocking on a table or beating a pen on a sheet. Those spontaneous movements are some of the simplest things in our life but maybe some of the hardest to replicate with electronic instruments. That’s why we developed Thererec: a less empirical, function generator with a soul"

Thererec is a 6hp smart dual function generator, based on a totally different approach!

All the Attack/Decay thing has been replaced by two modern proximity sensors, and this not only saved a lot of space but it also turned Thererec into a whole new thing: a fusion between THEREmin gestural expressiveness and a tape RECorder,

Thererec, indeed, can quickly capture your hand movements and translate them into complex Envelopes and LFOs adding a whole lot of expressiveness to your set.

Once recorded, your movements can be mangled in both time and amplitude, they can be cycled or triggered one-shot mode, letting you crate complex but synchronized control voltage streams

One simple movement with immediate feedback: move your fingers, listen and connect yourself to the environment. Your body will do the rest.

Thererec sensors will track your movements to generate a voltage flow, the LEDs and the CV outputs will reflect those movements.

To arm a channel press the loop button.
Entering in the sensor field (4-5cm) will automatically start recording.
Press the loop button again to stop the take, double tap it to clear.

Playback has two operation modes, indicated by the LEDs color:
White: the playback can be started by hitting the sensor or with an external gate. It will be played once.
Blue: the recording is played in loop. To sync it to a rhythm, re-trigger it as you will do in the white mode.

In both modes, from the gate outputs, Thererec will emit a short pulse at the end of the reproduction and a variable gate when you hit the sensors by hand.

Hold down the loop button[9] to cycle between modes. Keep it pressed to save the recording into the memory (the LED will blink in purple).

Playback speed can be altered dramatically with the speed control.
Turn the knob CCW to make it slower, CW for a faster reproduction and half way to return to the original speed.
Speed can also be changed with an external CV, the speed knob will now work as an attenuverter of the applied voltage.

Thererec CV outputs have a 8Volts range, use the range knobs to scale them down.


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submitted Feb 1st 2023, 10:18 by Clank-modular | last Change Apr 8th 2024, 15:51 by Clank-modular

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