8 HP
23 mm deep
Current Draw
30 mA +12V
30 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$246 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

RGB Crossfade module with interesting routings

A RGB Crossfade module with switchable normalisation routings.
The XFADE has one crossfade potmeter, 1x switch to change the normalisations, 2×3 input jacks,
3x CV jacks and 3x output jacks.

With the switch you can crossfade between two sets of full RGB signals with one knob or one CV source.
The other setting let you use the potmeter for crossfading separate channels while controlling one or more channels with CV sources. The other setting disables the knob (extra feature thanks to the 3way switch)
The CV voltage range can be set from 0-1volt up to 0-5volt with a trimpot on the backside.

2x 3 channel inputs
3x CV inputs
3x output jacks
1x routing switch
1x crossfade potmeter
1x CV voltage range trimpot


submitted Sep 20th 2022, 15:27 by fetideye | last Change Sep 20th 2022, 15:27 by fetideye

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