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Kick Drum and Side Chain Compressor with Reverb
Kickain is an integrated kick drum and side chain compressor built into a 12hp eurorack module.
Featuring a virtual analogue bass drum circuit and a unique spectral compression system, Kickain takes side chaining to a whole new level.
With multiple internal envelope shapers, filters and wave shapers, a 24 bit digital reverb and zero latency, you can tweak the controls to get the perfect sounding kick drum for any tempo or genre. Kickain will automatically adjust the spectral side chain compressor, ensuring you are getting maximum power from the kick at all times, with minimum disruption to your mix and with a perfectly balanced low end . Designed with performance in mind, Kickain is easy to use, enabling you to generate the most powerful sounding rhythm tracks with vinyl master sound quality.
To use Kickain most effectively, connect your bass sounds or main mix to the stereo inputs and send a trigger to fire off the kick.
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