18 HP
35 mm deep
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
2500 mA 5V
$527 Price in €

This Module is a prototype or in a concept phase.

Norns in Eurorack Format

A reinterpretation, or better to say remix of Norns for Euroack Format.

Important Note:

Norns was developed by monome.org as open source project.
Learn more about Norns and its community at:


This module is 100% compatible with the original firmware.

On hardware side there are little changes to the audio connections for Eurorack use and passive
level control for the input and output.
If you just plug a mono signal into L it get´s splitted into a pseudo stereo signal.

The buttons itself and the placement vary to the original one.
A result of taste, experience and simpler part stocking.

Powering still comes from an external brick.
As it´s based on a Raspberry Pi the power consumption is enormously out of the typical Eurorack range.
It sucks 2,5A on 5V.

The USB connections are tied to the raspberry and sit below the panel.
A Eurorack USB-Hub would be an excellent addition to bring the connections to front.

To respect this beautyful piece of art & work it will not be available for public.

Find more on noisyfruitslab.com


submitted Mar 8th 2022, 13:48 by NoisyFruitsLab | last Change Mar 8th 2022, 13:50 by NoisyFruitsLab

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