4x4 CV controlled matrix mixer by Nonlinearcircuits
panel by Sascha von Ott
Clump is a 4x4 CV controlled matrix mixer (MM). This means there are 16 VCAs on-board along with 4 mixers. It can be used as a regular mixer if you prefer. The gain pots can boost a signal to approx. 2x.
This started out as a half-sized version of the Cluster (8x4 MM), but I changed a few things that oft bugged me on the Cluster and implemented some suggestions. Each VCA gets a 1k trimpot to remove any offset voltages, each input gets a switch to turn off or invert the incoming signal and the pots act as gain pots with no CV patched in and as attenuators when CV is patched.
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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?