14 HP
45 mm deep
Current Draw
40 mA +12V
30 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$225 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

1847 Wavetable VCDO Classic Edition

8-Bit Wavetable VCDO

The 1847 Wavetable VCDO is a versatile and easy-to-use voltage-controlled 8-bit wavetable oscillator.

The main oscillator has 16 waveforms arranged as a wavetable and a sub-oscillator also provides 8 waveforms; each selectable at one of four octaves (+1, unison, -1 or -2). The main and sub-oscillator wavetables can be cycled through manually using knobs on the front panel, or can each be controlled by a CV source. The main oscillator waveform select CV has its own dedicated attenuator.

Two FM CV inputs are also provided (FM 1 has an attenuator), along with a 1V/octave input (quantized to semitones).

Coarse and fine frequency controls are provided. The overall frequency range of the oscillator is ten octaves i.e. 8.18Hz to 8,372Hz (MIDI note 0 to 120).

Other features include a bitcrush effect; allowing the sample resolution of the output to be varied between 1-bit and 8-bit. This is controllable via a knob on the front panel and a separate CV input.

Controllable glide allows portamento to be introduced when the oscillator is controlled by a keyboard.


  • Versatile 8-bit VCDO providing 16 oscillator and 8 sub-oscillator (selectable at 4 different octaves) waveforms, arranged in a wavetable.
  • Frequency range of 8.18Hz to 8,372Hz (ten octaves) with coarse and fine controls.
  • Bitcrush input allowing output resolution to be varied between 1-bit and 8-bit.
  • Controllable glide (portamento).
  • Dedicated CV inputs for 1V/octave, main and sub FM and waveform select and bitcrush.
  • 8-bit, 62.5KHz sample output rate. Internal waveforms and calculations are 8-bit and new samples are output via the on-chip PWM modules at 62.5KHz. The PWM modules’ outputs are at 125KHz. The fact that this is higher than the sample rate allows more effective.
  • PWM filtering to be applied. A two-stage 24dB Bessel filter provides the best-possible pulse filtering.
  • Classic-style knobs and panel design.
  • Ergonomic design.
  • Hand-built and tested in the UK.


submitted Feb 5th 2021, 00:53 by Wavefonix | last Change Jan 19th 2022, 15:41 by Wavefonix

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Perfect Circuit

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?