14 HP
20 mm deep
Current Draw
20 mA +12V
20 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$175 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Convert signal levels to Euro levels and vice versa

This module was designed for studios that incorporate both Eurorack and line-level studio gear. It hosts 8 inputs to attenuate Euro-levels to line-level, and also 8 inputs to convert line-level to Euro-level. All channels are matched so you can easily use stereo signals.

The module is as transparent as possible, so even the attenuating parts is buffered, and does not use scratchy pots but instead high quality resistors to match all the inputs and outputs. Very low distortion OPA1679 op-amps, audio grade caps and extensive testing to assure you can not hear this module at all doing it's work. Because that's what you want right?

Since all inputs and outputs are buffered it really doesn't matter what you hook up to it. Vintage guitar pedals? 19inch effect units? Modern synths, drum machines? No problem.
The ratio is fixed to attenuate by 10, and amplify by 10. On request these ratios can be changed.
It uses all mini-jack sockets to save space and make the module more affordable. But on the back you can find header points to solder up some larger sockets if you wish so.


submitted Nov 1st 2020, 13:42 by mnmnmnmnmnmn | last Change Nov 1st 2020, 14:23 by mnmnmnmnmnmn

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