32 HP
35 mm deep
Current Draw
35 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$285 Price in €

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Dual 8-step CV and Gate / Trigger Sequencer

S-280 Sequencer module for eurorack / Doepfer A100 system.

Left section: clock & reset inputs, variable parameter knob, A & B trigger/gate outputs
Mid section: individual out jack+LED, CV slider (CV1), step LED, CV knob (CV2), three-position switch (step on/off)
Right section: bunch of three-position switches for settings, CV1 & CV2 out jacks

All trigger/gate outputs are equipped with serial diodes so they can be “summed” (“OR”ed) on simple passive mult.

Width: 32TE/ 32HP/ 163mm.
Depth: 35mm /1,4″ max.
Current: 35mA

Three-position switches:

  • Indiv. Outs GEN: ALL / A+B / A -- The settings affect which gates are GENERATED at the TRIG/GATE INDIVIDUAL OUTS. ALL = Individual outputs are generated for all steps regardless of A / OFF / B switch in channels. A+B = Indiv. outputs are generated for steps with channel switch in either in A or B position. A = Indiv. outs are generated for steps with switch set to "A" only.
  • Indiv. Outs LEN: VARI / CV2 / 2 ms -- The settings affect the gate LENGTH of the TRIG/GATE INDIVIDUAL OUTS. VARI = Length of each Indiv. Out gate corresponds to setting of VARIABLE knob (1 ms to over 8 sec). CV2 = Length of Indiv. Out gate corresponds to setting of CV2 knob for that channel (1 ms to over 8 sec). 2 ms = Length of each Indiv. Out gate is 2 milli-seconds.
  • SEQ DIR: RND / U/D / UP -- RND = Selected steps are randomly played. U/D = Steps are played in ascending then descending order (i.e. pendulum mode). UP = Steps are played in ascending order (i.e. 12345678).
  • REPEAT: CV2 / OFF / ON -- CV2 = Number of current step repetition is set by CV2 knob. Each step is repeated 1-8 times (according to its CV2 knob setting). OFF = In "UP" mode, steps are played in order without repetition (1234567812345678). In "U/D" mode, the first and last steps are not repeated (i.e. 12345678765432). In "RND" mode, the selected steps are randomly played without repeating steps (i.e. next step is always different than current step). ON = In "UP" mode, every step is played twice (i.e. 1122334455667788). In "U/D" mode, the last and first step are repeated (i.e. 1234567887654321123...). In "RND", this setting allows step repetition (i.e. step can be played once, twice, or more times).
  • CV RNG: 2Q / 5Q / 5U -- The settings affect the voltage range and quantization of CV 1 and CV 2 outputs. 2Q = 0 to 2 volts, Quantized. 5Q = 0 to 5 volts, Quantized, 5U = 0 to 5 volts, Unquantized. The quantization is using the Chromatic scale, so each quantized voltage step corresponds to a semitone or 1/12 th of a volt.
  • CV S/H: A1+2 / OFF / A1 -- CV Sample and Hold (i.e. hold last active step over non-active steps). A1+2 = Both CV1 and CV2 values are held if step switch is in "A" position. OFF = New CV values are generated for all steps regardless of A / OFF / B step switch. A1 = CV1 is held at last value while CV2 generates new CV for all steps. (ex. imagine say CV1 for tune VCO, CV2 for filter freq. Step switches set to "A" for steps 1 and 4 only, and all other steps OFF. Then new notes on VCO are generated for steps 1 and 4, but filter is retuned in all steps while notes are sounding).
  • RESET: 1st / STAY / 8th -- The settings control which step (1 to 8) in the sequence is selected when a high gate is received at Reset In. 1st = step 1, STAY = current step, 8th = step 8.
  • T/G LEN: VARI / CV2 / 2 ms -- The settings affect the gate LENGTH of the TRIG/GATE A / B OUTS. VARI = Length of each A / B gate corresponds to setting of VARIABLE knob (1 ms to over 8 sec). CV2 = Length of A / B gate corresponds to setting of CV2 knob for that channel (1 ms to over 8 sec). 2 ms = Length of each A / B gate is 2 milli-seconds.
  • A / OFF / B: These bottom switches are used to route step specific trigger or gates to main A and B Trig/Gate outputs. A = Step gate is routed to A output. OFF = Step gate is not routed to A or B output. B = Step gate is routed to B output.



submitted Oct 25th 2020, 23:13 by dangraveyard | last Change Feb 23rd 2024, 12:35 by ParanormalPatroler

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