10 HP
39 mm deep
Current Draw
110 mA +12V
80 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$289 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Phase Variable Attack Decay Generator

Moonwalker is a versatile signal generator that performs as an envelope, lfo, and audio oscillator, with attack and decay time controls

Phase offset is continuously variable from 0 to 360° and inverts the waveform without changing it’s amplitude, and with or without changing it's polarity.

Unipolar mode preserves the output range by offsetting the starting voltage, so it always stays between 0 and +10v

Bipolar mode preserves the starting voltage by offsetting the output range, so it always starts at 0v. The output range will shift from +unipolar, through +bipolar, to -unipolar, through -bipolar back to +unipolar.

The reference waveform does not change phase, but the timing of the rate change between Attack and Decay shift with the phase offset, to ensure synchronous movement.

The phase offset output is half-normalled to the phase offset cv input and skews the waveform from triangle to saw or ramp without changing frequency (when attack = decay).


Ø 4.50 (2 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Oct 24th 2020, 15:50 by briandavism | last Change Oct 24th 2020, 15:56 by briandavism

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