This Module is discontinued.
Stereo Filter Frequency Scanner and VCA by kNoB technology
I wanted to create a flexible and powerful tool,
which can mix a large number of signals and process them.
Dragon-FLY is a combined device consisting of two signal processing cells, where each cell consists of an input mixer, a voltage-controlled filter, a voltage-controlled amplifier, as well as control where one signal controls both cells. It can be used in various ways and used in a variety of applications like mixing, filtering, amplification, frequency scanning.
- two multi-mode diode-based Sallen-Key 12db/oct filters with constantly available inputs of different types of cut and input attenuators
- two classic OTA VCA with lin and log characteristics
- voltage can control the cutoff frequency, resonance level, VCA gain, pan
- both filters can be controlled by one knob with different modes
User manual in PDF link
Demo rev 1.0
Revision 1.5
Upgrade instructions
In the new revision, we have reworked the filter core:
-Significantly improved work at low frequencies
The operation of the bandpass filter has changed:
-Q factor is directly related to the resonance level
Some changes:
-control voltage range for cutoff frequency and resonance level shifted from 0-10v to 0-5v for better control
All filters of revision 1.0 can be upgraded to version 1.5, for instructions write to us at
Demo rev 1.5
For order: write to
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