18 HP
34 mm deep
Current Draw
91 mA +12V
87 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$309 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Quad Filter

Tone is a quad, voltage controlled filter with low pass and band pass outputs. Its four channel architecture enables the intuitive patching of shimmering, polyphonic textures.

The 24dB slope provides a warm, buttery character. Self oscillation allows each channel to double as a sine wave oscillator with v/oct tracking across four octaves. Cascade OTA topology. A perfect match for the Chord. 

Quad voltage controlled filter
24 dB slope
Simultaneous low pass and band pass outputs
Self oscillation with v/oct tracking across four octaves
Format: 18hp

Depth: 34mm (skiff friendly)


Ø 4.67 (6 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Jan 19th 2017, 18:12 by andrewikenberry | last Change Nov 22nd 2022, 18:21 by andrewikenberry

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Control VoltageThree Wave MusicNoisebugPerfect CircuitDetroit ModularControl


RhythmiqxNightlife Electronics


Found Sound

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