18 HP
26 mm deep
Current Draw
40 mA +12V
10 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$500 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Quad LFO

Four independent LFOs with paging interface


4LFO-4 independent LFOs
PHLOCK-LFOs are phase locked and Rate becomes divider for frequency
QUAD-Quadrature outputs
ROTATE- pulses at gate 1 rotate the LFO outputs 1->2->3->4->1 etc

Each LFO can have the following assignments.


0-5V inverted
+/-5V inverted


LOW .003Hz-50Hz
HIGH 20Hz-1.6kHz (48kHz 16bit output through high quality DACs means it can also be used to produce clean mid range audio)
No direct 1/V Oct control but CV control of frequency can be used to
get reasonable tracking over 3-4 octaves. This is a side benefit of making it usable for audio rate FM modulation but it should be mentioned that the design intention is that of an LFO not an audio oscillator.

The range button also does double duty for tap tempo when LFOs are in sync mode. LFO frequency can also be set using external clocks as it measures the duration between pulses and then sets the correct frequency to match.


Reset with wave start set by Level/Reset knob and CV
Sync by external clock/pulse with division

CV Routing

Each LFO can have CV control of
Output level
Wave transformation
Wave selection

+/- CV amount per LFO

Each wave has a a morph type function or shape transition like
PWM or transition from Sine to triangle or slope curve etc depending on the wave. TAB1-3 waves each have 32 wave sequences that can morph
smoothly. Pattern is a selection of 32 "drum type" pulse patterns that are especially cool in phase lock mode with division. Can be used to create a huge variety of complex rhythms on each of the 4 channel outputs with full synchronization. Random has variable slew and Random Cosine uses cosign interpolation to create smooth rounded random patterns.

Tri color LEDs are used to indicate the state of each switch and all settings
can be saved in internal memory


Ø 4.63 (27 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Apr 10th 2013, 14:20 by Austerlitz | last Change Oct 16th 2020, 15:12 by motorhead412

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