12 HP
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80 mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V
$249 Price in €

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Maneco Labs - Minilooper

Looping digital delay inspired by the original 80s Electro Harmonix 16 second digital delay.

Features: (all parameters have voltage control)
Infinite Switch

From Manual:
We get it.
You´re not a lame person trying to get some easy sex and gettng all drunk and dope for free doing that noise in the stage: you´re a true and commited artist, full of hard pumping creative blood that you hardly contain and people deserve you. Oh! Yeah!! We totally get it...
But, you know what? We can help you.
First of all, congratulations and big thanks for your purchase!!
What? You're just reading this? For free?? Well, keep reading and maybe we have something for you to put in your... just read, ok? Now, in honour of our brand new friendship, let´s talk a little and let us introduce you (with all respect) to the modular version of the minilooper, our simpler (may be not) smaller (that´s correct) wiser (who wrote this?) funnier (nah) and, why not? sexier (who said that?) (so sexier, dammit) (hello? who´s there?)modular iteration of our acclaimed Sweet 16.
We know you don't really need all the finest crapology you see in a detailed manual but, let's face it: lately, your brain it's sending all sort of signals and i'm not saying that you can't handle it, so yes, we took away some knobs and some switches too, just to... No! No! Wait! It's not your fault! Put that rope where you found it and sit down! Stop crying, please and stay with me a few minutes on these. And give me the gun too... that's it, well done.
Yeah, yeah, we know, but tears are good. Just forget it and let's move on, ok? As you can see (since you're reading this, we assume you can see) the unit has (yet) several controled features for your amusement and those are:

The Pot Class (L to R) : TIME / FEEDBACK / BLEND
The Switch Class: REVERSE / SLOW / PLAY
The Button Class: REC/TAP / INFINITE
The Jack Class:
Top Row: REC (gate) / REVERSE (gate) / SLOW (gate) / INFINITE(gate) / PLAY (y/n)
Bottom Row: IN / TIME (0V-+5V in) / FEEDBACK (disables pot) / TRIG / OUT (gate for restarting loop)

All gate controls are for positive voltage 0V to +12V

(Sorry, not enough place to explain IN and OUT jacks. Our fault.)

Since every control and/or function is very self explanatory, let's take a look on possibilities and yeah, any way, we´ll take cover on all those fancy and extra-complex names like "TIME" or "BLEND"...
Gimme a break...

Easy stands for...easy: insert the effect in your chain, check that your INFINITE led it's off and all your knobs somewhere between noon and 2 o'clock, put a signal trough the input, then stomp the BYPASS, and get some reps! Yes!! How cool is that?? Set your tempo taping the REC/TAP switch, an even number of times. Use the TIME knob
to fine adjust or just detune (yeap you love it) Use FEEDBACK to set your reps and BLEND to set your wet (CW) dry (CCW) relationship all togheter and feel free to annoy yourself; 'cause we´re just starting, you, pot head...

Infinite? You mean like... forever? Bravo!! You guess it all alone?? And yes, once you get something interesting, you can keep it, that's it, just use that INFINITE toggle.
Dammit, those bulletproof coffees finally are working your brain off.
Impressive. Just step on the thing and enjoy, for the blood of all delays...

And... here we go again. What are you lookin' at?
See that REC/TAP written in fancy white slightly near the extreme left(y) switch? Well, THAT is the switch you're looking for. Bingo. If you are not familiarized with the regular and most common procedures to record into some sort of device that have a recording/looping functioon, we're done here and don't open the door if you see three guys with a bat, tape and a plastic bag.
But... maybe (and let me reiterate here, maybe) you're that weird-still-inofensive blok submerged into all kind of esoteric
matters waiting for an answer to the intangible and, if that's the case, oh boy, you touch our old frozen heart and your hidden light is about to jump in the next level.
Still, don't open the door...

Read carefully:
Set INFINITE to on (led lits) hit the REC/TAP switch (see the
big led turn to red?) record up to 30 secs of your seminal glory,
hit it again... Done.
No, no, no... please, don't bow, don't thank us...
let us we to be the thankful here... really.

?thgir ,dlo steg reven sdrawkcab gnihtyreve gnittuP

When REVERSE is on (led lit) your delayed/recorded signal will be
instantly reversed. Once you use it, you'll became "The Reversed One"
and you will never be the same. Never. And you will be respected.
And filthy rich. But the world will end. That's a f'kin fact.

- MAXIMUM DELAY/REC TIME: 30 seconds (whaaat!!??)
- POWER: 9V DC (6)
- POLARITY: Negative center
- OUTPUT IMPEDANCE: 100 Ohms (2)
- WARRANTY: Well, if you insist, 3.1 years

Made in Uruguay by MANECO LABS SRL


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submitted Jan 15th 2020, 00:01 by david_rothbaum | last Change Jul 16th 2023, 16:22 by Pbarrett81

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