26 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

This Module is currently available.

Grone Wave is the latest addition to Grone family, this incarnation is based on a lo fi sample player engine.

Grone wave Eurorack module
Grone Wave is the latest addition to Grone family , this incarnation is based on a lo fi sample
player engine with 4 banks of up to 16 samples ,in glorious 8 bit and full of aliasing noise ,
you’ll find all kind of textures and accidents useful for ambient, musique concrete , noise and
whatever nightmares you imagine.
You can control pitch , sample start and end points, and reverse them.There’s an external
trigger input for retriggering from sync signals , gates or clocks.
Sample then passes through a MOJ transistor ladder low pass filter with resonance, filter is
also modulated by a multi waveform LFO.
Effects section is taken care of by a special Clouds version , with dedicated feedback, pan
blend and reverb sliders for intuitive and immediate control.
Sample player section:
sample rate slider: Controls sample pitch over a wide range, continuously and smoothly .
Sample select slider : selects one of 16 samples for each sample bank.
Sample start potentiometer : controls starting point for currently playing samples.
Sample end potentiometer : same as previous but for sample end.
Reverse push button: plays current sample backwards while pressed
sample level potentiometer: Regulates output volume from sample player into filter.
Sample bank switches A and B :select one of four sample banks
Low Frequency oscillator:
Rate slider : Oscillator speed
Wave potentiometer : Selects one of eight waveforms
Waveforms are : ramp up, ramp down, square, triangle, sine , sweep, random levels, random
Low Pass filter section:
Filter cut slider : Cutoff frequency for low pass filtering.
Rez potentiometer: Resonance , Q , peak , emphasis of corner frequency , self oscillates
at higher settings
VCF Mod potentiometer : amount of modulation from low frequency oscillator.
CLOUDS : based on MUTABLE INSTRUMENTS eurorack module , with parasites firmware ,
same controls from MI : Input gain, position, size, density, pitch, texture, blend , switches
for display parameter and load/save, freeze control with indicator led , same display as MI
Dedicated Slider for reverb , and dedicated potentiometers for blend , feedback and pan.


submitted Nov 1st 2023, 12:13 by ModWizard | last Change Feb 4th 2024, 09:27 by ModWizard

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Detroit ModularThree Wave MusicPerfect CircuitNoisebug

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