26 HP
Current Draw
200 mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V
$295 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Drone Synth & Clouds

Drone VCO​​:Generates sound based on equations converted to analog signals , there are sixteen equationsselected by ​Up​ and ​Down​ switches. Four leds indicate equation number in binary mode. ThreePots modify numbers used by the equation, ​A0​ ,​ A1​ and ​A2​ , fourth pot ​Sample Rate​ controlspitch and speed of the oscillation. There’s an ​Output Level​ pot for the oscillator and adedicated jack for patching the Oscillator sound to external modules .

NOISE GENERATOR​​: White noise with ​noise level​ pot and noise output jack.

VCF​ : MS20 resonant low pass filter , with ​CUT​ frequency pot control , ​RESONANCE​ ,MODULATION 1 ​ amount pot , input and output jacks and second cv input for cut off ,labeled MOD2

LFO​​: Low frequency oscillator routed to MOD1 from VCF , ​RATE​ and ​WAVEFORM​ shapepots.Waveforms are : ramp up, ramp down, square, triangle, sine , sweep, random levels, randomslopes.

CLOUDS​ : based on MUTABLE INSTRUMENTS eurorack module , with parasites firmware ,same controls from MI : ​Input gain, position, size, density, pitch, texture, blend​ , switchesfor ​blend parameter​ and ​load/save​, ​freeze​ control with indicator led , same display as MIoriginal,Dedicated audio input jack (mono) stereo output and control inputs for V/OCT and TRIGGER.

submitted Oct 17th 2021, 12:03 by OutputUnit | last Change Jul 3rd, 16:30 by DJDickJohnson

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